Diabetes: What Is It and Who Gets It?

Diabetes is a significant problem in the developed world, and is especially prevalent among certain ethnic groups. Yet many people are not really sure what diabetes is, who gets it, and whether or not they are at risk.

The Basics

Diabetes means too much sugar in the blood. Its proper name is diabetes mellitus. The sugar in the diabetic person's system also comes out in the urine, which diabetics produce a lot of - the ancient Egyptians noticed that the urine of certain people attracted sugar-loving insects like ants. The term "diabetes" comes from the Greek physician Arateus, and means "to siphon." The term "mellitus" (meaning "honey sweet") came about in the late 1600s.

Diabetics need to take steps to control their blood sugar levels, something that is normally done automatically within the body. How this is done and to what extent it is done depends on the type of diabetes that is present.


There are two basic types of diabetes. Type I diabetes, also called juvenile...

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