Centering Defined: What, How and Why?

 Diaphragmatic Breathing and Its Benefits

What is center? How do you choose to be centered, and why? In what ways can you develop a strong center?

As a student and instructor of the Japanese martial art Aikido, and as a professional speaker and trainer, I often present on this topic and, in addition, have made centering a life practice. I say practice, because that is what it takes to access the Center State on purpose.

Physically, the body's center of gravity is a point in the lower abdomen - but it is also much more. It's a quality of being that integrates body, mind and spirit: vitality increases, the senses are sharpened, and one is less affected by everyday irritations. The Japanese describe a centered person as having <i>hara</i> or strong ki, the inner quality that helps the student of Aikido develop to her fullest potential. Some say it is an attitude towards life, an ability to handle whatever may come. Athletes recognize the centered state as "the zone."

Center is a condition we can cultivate....

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