3 Key Steps to Narrow Down Your Online Visibility

With So Many INTERESTS, Let’s Narrow Them Down and Target Your Online Specialty Together

God bless you on taking the first step to finding out how to narrow down your best heavenly given parts…well, all parts are good that God gives us, but it does take some Christian discipline!

In case we haven’t met before, my name is Tammy Becker and I have had a long, fun, challenging life of ups and downs with business, both working for others and running my own…yeah, let’s see, more than one business. 

There was that itty bitty craft biz when the kids were so small so I could stay home. 

Oh yeah, when they were teens, I opened up not one but two business (what was I thinking) a fitness center and a sewer and drain cleaning biz (I learned that skill from my dad).  I decided to move and closed those up. 

Once I moved back home to Arizona from the frigid cold of Iowa, I went into law enforcement and taught criminal justice at the community college…I know…see where I am going, I can never just do one thing! 

Are you the same way? 

Do you get in the way of your own self? 

Well, I also did quite a bit of teaching self defense, aerobics, and defensive tactics …

And yes, I never left my love of staying fit and teaching others!

After I left all of the above, I did some fun stuff…I opened a traveling mercantile that followed a traveling era of the rendezvous re-enactment camps and sold period goods.  I also competed in the fun as well.  There was another little second-hand shop I opened when gas became too high to travel and then when we decided to move from Arizona to Montana I closed that shop up.

Now, I am an online Christianprenuer!  Sounds awesome, right!

I have a lot to tell you how I got here with this and my online non-profit and my online health and fitness biz.  Yes once again…I do two things at the same time…

because I have a love for both, God first, and taking care of His temple, which is my body and helping others do the same.

Narrowing Down is Best, or You’ll Be Circling Like a Tornado!

Here’s the deal…the real deal, I’m not going to be the girl who tells you to pick one focus and narrow it all the way down…because that doesn’t work for everyone! 

Certainly doesn’t for me.  I am a two handed girl and that’s the way I roll.  So I will tell you this…if you can pick one…great you are so awesome, but if you can’t, dear beloved one, it’s not the end of the world. 

 Remember we need to do what we love and love what we do, right?

Your vision is Step one:  Begin with the end in mind

 Let’s start doing what we love, NOW.

So you have decided to dive into the online world but have a horse trough of ideas.  Sometimes it’s hard to see clearly to the bottom of the bucket when it’s too full.  We need to start draining the bucket just a bit.  Here is where we begin.

 I have this great little Bucket Dream Plan for you!  Just click on the link above or the picture and it will take you to the sign up.  Make sure to click yes on the email because I will be sending you buckets of good stuff to continue on our ride together.  Are you seeing a theme here yet…horses, riding, buckets…etc.  Just starting typing and it all came out just like that.  Any who, please grab your Bucket Dream Plan and get to work.


The Bucket Dream Plan is going to be your handy, dandy little guide to start draining your murky bucket so that it becomes crystal clear and you can see to the bottom! 

We are going to focus on these three things FIRST:

  1. Vision
  2. Focus
  3. Action

Now, that you know what the plan is head on over to my YouTube channel and watch my video about these first three things we are going to do together…I’m a visual person, so I thought I would give the three ways we learn, reading…hence this blog post, writing…

your FREE Bucket Dream Plan, and visual…

the video you are going to watch at this link right here:    




Your Welcome, dear fam!





50% Complete

Two Step

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